On Nov.12th we held a presentation event of the project we had been working on since spring, a collaborative study on the “First-Grade Barrier” together with the Amagasa Lab of Showa Women’s University. With the generous support of Nikken Sekkei we were granted the luxury of the site Catalyst BA, where an audience from diverse fields gathered for an evening of lively and friendly sessions.

From infield design Takashi gave an overview of the project together with the starting intentions. Then students of Amagasa Lab introduced each of the visits in the fieldwork, collectively picturing the “First-Grade Barrier” experience as a whole. Based on the findings of the fieldwork ideas were presented though the fresh eyes of young students aiming to solve the situations. Lastly junior associate professor Kunikazu Amagasa, leader of the Amagasa Lab and also of this collaborative project, gave his visions on experience design education.

Questions and comments from the floor were also stimulating, exploring deeper into the topic and rounding up the evening in lively discussions. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who attended the session.